Dich Duong "caused trouble" at the airport, Hang Du Mu hurriedly looked for a rescuer

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After Hang Du Mu divorced, Ton Bang's 2 stepsons, Nhat Duong and Dich Duong, were also called a lot because the 2 brothers decided to live with their aunt. The relationship of the 2 brothers with Hang Du Muc is very good and they are not afraid to support their aunt in live sessions.
Recently, the noisy marriage of Hang Du Muc and her foreign husband has attracted a lot of attention from the online community. After settling everything, Hang Du Mu now has custody of 2 young sons. Besides, Nhat Duong (SN 2000) and Dich Duong (SN 2007) - Ton Bang's 2 stepsons also chose to follow Hang Du Muc. It is known that currently, all 3 are present in Vietnam.
Since winning custody of 4 children and handing over all the assets to Ton Bang, everyone sees that Hang Du Mu's life seems to have entered a new page. The female Tiktoker is much happier and more positive than before. Especially, everything she does has the contribution and support of her ex-husband's two stepsons.
Like many previous live sessions, Nhat Duong and Dich Duong both did their best to help Hang Du Muc. Dich Duong just woke up, closed his eyes and went live. As for Nhat Duong, every time the female TikToker lives what item is "supporting" to eat that dish enthusiastically, almost anything the boy can eat from crabs to picky dishes such as durian.
Not only about eating and drinking to the fullest, but these 2 brothers also defied their best in Hang Du Muc's live sessions. Many people think that the female TikToker has 2 bodyguards and models who are in battle.
Both of them received many compliments because they are both obedient children, understanding and loving, listening to Hang Duc Muc. Every time there is an appearance of Nhat Duong or Dich Duong in the live session, the number of viewers also increases because this pair of brothers both possess handsome visuals, attractive, asking why every live session is sold out in 1 note.
At the beginning, when they first appeared on the live sessions of Aunt Hang, Nhat Duong and Dich Duong were still quite quiet and embarrassed, but now the 2 boys have completely "dissolved", no longer keeping their image.
As the eldest brother in the family, Nhat Duong used to rarely appear with Hang Du Mu, so many people think that he is a rather quiet person. However, Nhat Duong is the person who has returned to Vietnam the most with Hang Du Mu, so he gets used to the environment and surrounding relationships very quickly.
Nhat Duong became more and more happy, comfortably "throwing pieces", performing skits with Hang Du Muc's younger brother. Not only that, many people also commented that Nhat Duong had "dissolved" when he was extremely enthusiastic during the happy meal after the last livestream.
Not only Hang Duc Muc, but Nhat Duong's relationship with her family and company is also very good. Many people can also see Nhat Duong's personality, which is shy and introverted. But since returning to Vietnam, participating in livestreams and working with his aunt, Nhat Duong has become happier and bolder. He is also not afraid to joke, ready to try on things and test products for his aunt.
On Dich Duong's side, in another clip behind the scenes of the livestream, the guy is also "not medium" when he has extremely cute moments when he is not afraid to dance backstage. The guy's clumsy choreography made the public extremely excited. Many fans also teased that Dich Duong was only handsome when standing still.
Born in 2007, that is, she is just about to enter grade 12, but Dich Duong already owns a tall physique and a handsome appearance. Many people even demanded a deposit to accept Hang Du Mu as her future mother-in-law until Dich Duong was old enough to get married.
Hang Du Muc's manager once revealed that 2 guys are practicing Vietnamese and will support Hang more in the future. As recently, Nhat Duong has also set up a TikTok nick and is expected to become a potential "top idol" in the future. Previously, Dich Duong also made a nick. Although he has only posted 6 videos, Dich Duong's account has also had more than 500,000 followers.
Ton Bang's stepson officially changed his name to Hang Du Muc, calling him "mother" very sweet Uyển Đình09:03:18 11/09/2024The stepmother-in-law relationship between Hang Du Muc and Ton Bang's 2 stepsons has always been of interest to the people. After returning to Vietnam, the 2 guys became even closer to the female TikToker, and even changed their names to call their mothers very sweet.
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