Dam Tung Van "buried" the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance

Cát CátNov 27, 2023 at 06:52

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In contrast to his brilliant career and loving appearance, Dam Tung Van carries within himself the pain of losing his mother that cannot be relieved. Not only that, the person who caused the accident only received a light penalty because of his power.

Dam Tung Van started his career in 2005 but was only given supporting roles. The reason given by the director is because the actress's face is not sharp and beautiful but is too immature, only stopping at cute, making it difficult to play the role. It wasn't until 7 years later that she gained attention thanks to Chan Hoan Truyen's Harem.

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 1

By 2016, Dam Tung Van caused a fever throughout Asia thanks to the famous youth film The Best of Us. With her youthful and chirpy appearance, she was chosen to play school roles and quickly became a sought-after youth goddess on screen. The title "Goddess of Youth" was also born from there, bringing the actress's career to the fore.

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 2

In contrast to his brilliant career and loving appearance, Dam Tung Van carries within himself the pain of losing his mother that cannot be relieved. It is known that her mother suddenly had an accident and passed away in 2018. What made her even more sad was that the actress's mother had not yet left a message for her daughter.

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 3

At the end of 2018, Dam Tung Van's mother was walking with friends when she was suddenly hit by a car. This accident left her with a brain injury and lung damage. Despite the doctors' best efforts, she still could not survive after 20 days of treatment.

The person who caused the accident had been drinking and could not control the steering wheel, then ran away and left the victim. What is most infuriating is that since the incident happened, he has not gone to meet the victim's family to apologize or express any remorse. Because of his influence, this person was only lightly punished with 6 years in prison and compensation of 1.3 million yuan (nearly 4.7 billion VND).

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 4

The image of Dam Tung Van hugging his father tightly and crying in court once made fans extremely sad and indignant. Later, the actress admitted that it took her a long time to regain her spirit.

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 5

When mentioning her late mother on television for the first time on the program Toward Life, Dam Tung Van burst into tears and expressed her greatest wish is to meet her mother again in her dreams and become her daughter if there is an afterlife.

Later, the actress admitted that it took her a long time to regain her spirit. With no other choice, Dam Tung Van was f.orced to bury himself in work to forget the pain of losing a loved one. In 2020, the actress continued to be successful with Cam Y Chi Ha and Taking the Name of Family. In 2023, the "goddess of youth" continues to shine thanks to the project Quy Lo (Road Home) with Bach Nhien Province.

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 6

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 7

Recently, Dam Tung Van attracted attention when he fell in love with "young lover" Hua Khai in You Are More Beautiful than the Stars. Accordingly, during a recording for a variety show, Dam Tung Van was asked if she wanted to play a student in the future. The actress said: "I definitely cannot play the student film genre." Pure like that. When I accepted the offer to play You're More Beautiful Than Starlight, on the first day I joined the group, I told the director and everyone there that I should find someone else to play the female lead role in high school."

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 8

Compared to Dam Tung Van's refusal to play the role of a student, the way the film crew later handled the problem I'm More Beautiful Than Stars surprised people. It is known that instead of finding another actress to replace her as the star Dam had suggested, the film crew changed the script from a high school g.irl to a university student, making Dam Tung Van quite helpless but not Is there any way to continue to let go of responsibility?

After completing You're More Beautiful Than Starlight, Dam Tung Van continued to join the film crew Thuc Cam Nhan Gia. The first images of the actress on set quickly attracted public attention. In the series of posted photos, Dam Tung wears a pink outfit similar to the looks of Tang Dynasty beauties. The high tied hairstyle is considered somewhat similar to her previous role in Cam Tam Tua Ngoc.

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 9

In addition, the movie Hello Ly Kha Nhac starring Dam Tung Van will be released to the audience on December 1. In the film, Dam Tung Van plays Ly Nghien - a high school student. Once again playing the role of a student, the actress born in 1990 surprised people with her youthful and beautiful appearance.

Dam Tung Van buried the pain of losing his mother suddenly, in contrast to his usual loving appearance - Photo 10

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