Angelina Jolie's daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention

KengMar 06, 2025 at 21:20

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Recently, Shiloh was caught leaving the dance class. According to observations, Angelina Jolie's transgender daughter once wore dark clothes. She wears a hat, sneakers and carries a bag. It can be seen that Shiloh wears makeup, so her face becomes much more beautiful and prominent.

It is worth mentioning that Shiloh did not go alone but matched the character who was said to be her same-sex lover. Previously, Jolie's daughter caused a stir when she had an intimate act with her upperclassmate in the middle of a public place. However, in this appearance, Shiloh and the above girlfriend kept their distance and did not sho.w affectionate gestures.

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 1

Shiloh is the first biological daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. From an early ag.e, she was different from her brothers and sisters in the family. Shiloh likes to cut her hair and dress like a bo.y. She also wants people to call her masculine. For that reason, Shiloh was once suspected of wanting to be transgender to be true to herself.

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 2

In the past few years, Shiloh has devoted a lot of energy to dance. She often goes to the gym to train and has certain successes after the training process.

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 3

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 4

Shiloh is the next chil.d of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to have passed the ag.e of 18. Of the 6 biological and adopted children of the two Hollywood stars, only twins Vivienne and Knox are currently 15 years old.

After Vivienne and Knox reached adulthood, the custody battle between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie seemed to be over, after years the two sides could not come to an agreement.

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 5

In the past few years, Shiloh has undergone many changes. In 2021, Shiloh surprised by giving up the tomboy style. She appeared at a series of Eternals movie premiere events with a feminine style. But after that experiment, Shiloh returned to the tomboy style.

Currently, Shiloh is actively practicing dance and considers this as a direction that makes her interested in pursuing it seriously.

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 6

"Shiloh is a talented dancer, she works very hard to train. In interactions, Shiloh is always sincere, straightforward, never taking advantage of being a star to outperform others," said choreographer Keelan Carter.

Keelan Carter recalled that when Shiloh first came to his dance class, he didn't know who she was. Shiloh herself always wanted to be like all the other students in the class. Keelan realized that being the chil.d of two famous Hollywood stars made Shiloh have difficulty expressing and asserting herself.

In dance class, Keelan always treats Shiloh like any other student. He affirmed that sharing some of Shiloh's dance clips was a very normal move, because he often recorded impressive dance clips of students in the class.

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 7

Some friends who practice dance with Shiloh also said that she has a sociable personality. Although Shiloh does not actively use social networks, she participates in chat groups with friends to share about common interests.

Previously, actor Brad Pitt once expressed his emotion at his daughter's dancing talent in an interview. Pitt also wondered where Shiloh got the "dancing gene" from. Meanwhile, actress Angelina Jolie has never commented on Shiloh's passion for dance.

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 8

And Angelina simply shared her views on parenting: "Children should be free to express themselves the way they want. You should not live in fear of how people will judge you. The freedom to develop one's own inclination is an important part of our children's development journey."

Angelina Jolies daughter appeared with a rumored cheater, her attitude attracted attention - Photo 9

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