Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie became "enemies", even billions of dollars could not fix it.

Khang TrầnDec 23, 2024 at 16:24

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60 million USD could not sway Brad Pitt. The actor flatly refused to act in a movie with Angelina Jolie, bearing the title of sworn enemies and the hidden corners of this couple's lives.

Recently, a proposal caused a stir in the Hollywood entertainment industry when producer Danny Rossner offered a huge sum of 60 million USD to convince Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to reunite in a movie.

Specifically, producer Danny Rossner, the man behind recent blockbusters on the big screen, is said to have sent a $60 million offer to convince Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to reunite on screen in a large-scale film project. His goal is to create an unmissable film event that will attract the attention of both the public and the global media.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie became enemies, even billions of dollars could not fix it. - Photo 1

However, according to a source close to Brad Pitt, the actor showed a tough reaction: "Brad said that no matter how much money he had, he would never stoop to work with Angelina Jolie again." This person also revealed that Brad Pitt "did not consider for a second" the offer, and he flatly refused.

Some industry insiders have also spoken out, suggesting that the $60 million offer could be just a publicity stunt, aimed at generating attention for the film or Danny Rossner's career, as there is no solid evidence of the film's production.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie became enemies, even billions of dollars could not fix it. - Photo 2

The news of a $60 million offer for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to reunite has attracted a lot of attention from the public and fans. On social media, many people think that it is difficult for the two stars to work together after everything that has happened. Some people think that this invitation is not just a PR stunt but also reflects the reality of a broken relationship that cannot be repaired.

In fact, the relationship between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has always been a subject of media attention since their separation in 2016. Known as one of the most famous couples in Hollywood, their breakup has left the public with regret.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie became enemies, even billions of dollars could not fix it. - Photo 3

The strained relationship between the two did not stop at the breakdown of their marriage, but also came with fierce disputes over child custody and property issues. One of the highlights of their breakup was a tense conflict on a private plane in 2016, which is believed to be the main reason why the two decided to split after more than 10 years together.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie became enemies, even billions of dollars could not fix it. - Photo 4

The split has been followed by a series of legal battles, including the custody of their six children and the division of assets, including a lawsuit over the Miraval estate in France. It has even been reported that their children, especially the two youngest, have become distant from Brad Pitt, forcing the actor to "earnestly beg" them to spend time with him on his recent birthday.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie became enemies, even billions of dollars could not fix it. - Photo 5

This serious situation has left Brad Pitt facing pain not only because of the breakdown of his marriage, but also because of the inability to connect with the children he loves. On many occasions, the actor has had to publicly express his disappointment in his relationship with his children, while affirming that he always wants to see and spend time with his family.

However, Brad Pitt's life after marriage is not without its bright spots. He is currently in a new relationship with jewelry designer Ines de Ramon. The two are living together at Brad Pitt's house in Los Angeles, and the actor seems to have found some peace after the turmoil in his love life.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie became enemies, even billions of dollars could not fix it. - Photo 6

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