What did Yoona do to become the versatile "Goddess" of the Korean entertainment industry

team youtuberFeb 23, 2021 at 13:30

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Not only being loved by the audience thanks to her pure and elegant beauty, Yoona also gradually conquered the public's heart thanks to her acting talent cultivated from her constant efforts even though her performance was still lacking. met with mixed opinions.

In more than ten years of joining the movie industry, Yoona has owned herself a huge "asset" with many famous films such as Love Rain (Love Rain), Prime Minister and I (Prime Minister and I), Martial god Trieu Tu Long, Codename K2 (The K2), Escape in the air.

Biography of actress Yoona

Yoona was born in May 1990 in Seoul, South Korea, she lives with her father and an older sister five years older than her. From an early age, her dream of becoming a member of a g.irl group was nurtured when Yoona witnessed the performances of senior group SES and determined to join Korea's top entertainment company. National SM Entertainment.

In 2002, Yoona officially joined SM Entertainment after the trainee selection with the highest score thanks to the performance of the song "Please" by WAX and dancing to the music "Oops I Did It Again" (Britney Spears).

A trainee when asked about Yoona revealed that:

"Just seeing Yoona is enough to make me happy, she's very nice, I've never seen her harsh on anyone, always polite and sociable and smiles a lot. During the 3 years of being a trainee. Born, I have never seen her angry with anyone, Yoona is a beautiful g.irl in both beauty and soul."

Before having the opportunity to debut, Yoona was always worried and self-deprecating about her voice, but she continued to persevere and was fortunate to appear in the MVs of other seniors such as Super Junior, DBSK.

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In 2007, Yoona officially debuted with SNSD as the center position and the representative face of the group.

2009 marked a big turning point for SNSD when they released the hit "Gee", the first Korean song in history to bring over 100 million views on Youtube and also bring the group the title of "national group". "Korea. Since the hit "Gee", SNSD's songs have continuously changed from cute to mature and created a great resonance in the Korean music industry, making the group a symbol of reaching the world. gender.

SNSD has now become a "wall" that no one can overcome and is always an important part of Yoona's life:

Despite many events coming to SNSD, Yoona has always been hard at work, personal activities as well as sticking with the members and contributed to maintaining the name of SNSD as a shining legend.

The perfect start and "low notes" in the acting career

Starting her acting career with supporting roles, Yoona officially "crossed the field" to the acting field with the movie You are my destiny (You Are My Destiny). The drama tells the love story of an orphaned g.irl Jang Sae Byuk (played by Yoona) and Kang Ho Sae (played by Park Jae Jung), the son of a kitchen appliance manufacturing company.

With viewership ratings up to 41.5%, the drama has helped Yoona's name to be known more widely. You are my destiny that brought Yoona the first awards in her acting career as Best New Actress and Most Loved Actress at the prestigious Baeksang Awards.

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After the rain of awards from You are my destiny, the filmmakers began to pay attention to the name Im Yoon Ah and in 2009, the SM singer returned to the screen with the movie Cinderella ( Cinderella Man) plays the female lead Seo Yoo Jin, a talented and forward-thinking designer, alongside veteran actor Kwon Sang Woo.

Released at the same time as a series of hit films such as Brilliant Legacy, East of Eden or the "Asian phenomenon" Boys Over Flowers (Meteor Garden), England. Cinderella was not as expected, making Yoona extremely regretful.

After Cinderella, Yoona continued to participate in two big projects, Love Rain and Prime Minister and I, but did not achieve as much success as expected. The nickname "portable vase" to appreciate the beautiful singers who kicked the field into the acting field also began to associate with Yoona since then.

The movie "The Rain of Love" has been expected to become a classic movie like "Winter Sonata" or "Autumn in my heart" with poetic frames with the main actors Yoona. and "Asian prince" Jang Geun Suk, but became the "bomb" of the year with too long plot and low viewership.

One year after the Rain of Love, the Prime Minister and I also suffered defeat when they clashed with the blockbuster of the year My Love From the Star with the appearance of "slut" Jun Ji Hyun and Nam. Actor Kim Soo Hyun, despite the low viewership ratings, Yoona's honest and close acting still won the hearts of the audience.

2016 was another year with Yoona's not-so-successful start when the Chinese drama "Wu Shen Zhao Zilong" in which she played the female lead was not appreciated by many critics for post-production errors, acting, script despite the presence of cult actor Lam Canh Tan. Most of the works Yoona participated in after her first movie were not as successful as expected, but were only famous in foreign countries and her acting became a controversial topic that the singer should only rely on beauty. to act.

The turning point of Codename K2 and Yoona's journey to conquering acting

After a series of lackluster roles before, Yoona returned to the Korean screen through the action movie Codename K2, alongside actor Ji Chang Wook.

Codename K2 is a story revolving around a soldier with a traumatic past, Kim Je Ha (played by Ji Chang Wook) who is hired as a bodyguard for Choi Yoo Jin (played by Song Yun Ah), the ambitious wife of the group. a Presidential candidate (played by Jo Sung Ha) and the power battle occurs with many intrigues and tricks.

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Contrary to rumors about her acting ability when the project Codename K2 was announced, Yoona proved her own strength when playing a difficult role with few dialogues that could only express her inner feelings through through the eyes. The beautiful but difficult love story between the lady and the bodyguard helped Yoona - Ji Chang Wook become the most favorite couple on the small screen in 2016.

At the same time, Codename K2 has brought Yoona many other awards in her acting career such as the Most Popular Actress and Asian Artist A.ward for Female Actress at the Asia Artist Awards.

In early 2017, Yoona made her debut on the big screen with a supporting role in the blockbuster Confidential Assignment with a cast of veteran actors such as Hyun Bin, Yoo Hae Jin, Kim Joo Hyuk, She performed the role brilliantly and received countless compliments from the audience.

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Gaining momentum, Yoona continued to take on the lead role in the historical drama "The King in Love".

After a year of participating in entertainment programs, Yoona returned to the big screen through her role in the work "Escape in the air". With "Escape in the Air", Yoona conquered the audience and critics with her extremely diverse expressions, matching the dramatic and humorous colors of the film, she did not hesitate to perform stunts. The climb is tough and shows an actor full of maturity and shrewdness.

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Escape in the air has become one of the highest-grossing films of all time in Korea when on its first day of release, it attracted 400,000 moviegoers to theaters, grossing $2.6 million. (more than 61 billion VND) at 1331 screens, surpassing the life and d.eath train to become the disaster movie with the highest number of early tickets in Korea, and also brought Yoona and the film crew many awards. Remarkable prestigious a.ward.

Currently, the actress is taking on the main role in the movie Deadly Silence (Hush) with veteran actor Hwang Jung Min with the content about the struggles to protect the professional ethics of newspaper reporters. solstice. Yoona's role in this drama received a rain of praise when spontaneously portraying the role of an aspiring female trainee.

The versatile "goddess" of the Korean entertainment industry

Nearly 13 years of operation in the Korean entertainment industry, but Yoona's beauty has not faded, still beautiful, fresh and always on the list of the most beautiful female stars in Korea when continuously leading the polls. from 2011 to 2016.

Yoona's beauty shines especially with delicate, gentle lines, suitable for many different styles, and over time, her beauty becomes more sharp and salty, making the media and the online community must whisper about this 30-year-old female artist.

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The actress was also honored as the "Queen of Advertising" because in just one year, there were seven new advertising invitations and in 2017, she was the face with a frequency of appearing on the covers of the prestigious magazine of Vietnam. the world as well as Korea the most with a series of names such as Allure, Instyle, Elle, W Korea, Marie Claire.

Besides acting and modeling activities, Yoona is also known as a hardworking and dedicated singer with a clear, gentle, feminine voice and a very unique color.

In 2019, Yoona decided to release her first album "A Walk To Remember" as a gift for the fans who have always accompanied her and A Walk To Remember became one of the best-selling albums at that time with more than 53 thousand copies were sold and topped the album chart of iTunes music application in 8 countries including Vietnam.

Yoona is also very hard working with many different roles such as participating in reality shows or MCing at year-end awards ceremonies. The appearance in the reality show Hyori's Inn with the singer Hyori's family has shattered all doubts about Yoona's personality by her sincerity and closeness.

Despite becoming a charismatic name in the entertainment industry and a familiar face to the public, Yoona always tries to refresh, challenge and improve herself day by day to bring a best image. to the fans.

The golden personality of the "beauty guarantor" of the Korean film industry

The SNSD goddess is also one of the Korean stars who donate the most to charity, starting in 2010 and becoming the first idol singer of the Honor Society, an organization that brings together members who care deeply. social issues and contribute to social development by donating, volunteering.

In 2014, Yoona was appointed as an ambassador for UNICEF's campaign, UNIHERO which aims to encourage everyone to be a hero for underprivileged children around the globe, she is also continuously active in charity and become ambassadors for many different activities and movements.

Yoona is the only female artist invited to the Blue House under three presidents for her active activities to develop and promote the image of Korea as well as her active contributions to charity work.

Active for nearly 13 years, Yoona is one of the actors with a clean private life, her only love is the "national groom" Lee Seung Gi in 2013 and became a "fairy copper pearl" couple. female" of Korea. The news that the two broke up in 2015 due to their busy schedule made many viewers regret for an admirable love story.

From the "mobile vase" to the actress of the movie leading the box office, from the trainee who wanted to give up because her voice owned the album with the top sales, Yoona has always made relentless efforts. to correct the shortcomings and show a perfect self day by day, worthy of the title of the goddess of integrity of the Korean entertainment industry.

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What did Yoona do to become the versatile Goddess of Korean entertainment - Photo 8

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