King Quang Trung

Topic: King Quang Trung

Yi Nhi was hidden, Dao Hien "had more than enough opportunity" to make a move to attract attention, netizens shook their heads: "I can't talk!

Yi Nhi was hidden, Dao Hien "had more than enough opportunity" to make a move to attract attention, netizens shook their heads: "I can't talk!
Gia Hoàng07:30:42 10/10/2023
Crowned from the same competition, Y Nhi and Dao Hien are two Hau who made a terrible mistake when they made an inappropriate statement that made the people wave. Dao Hien's recent move after his time in hiding made fans lean back.

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Dr. Doan Huong said of Bui Quynh Hoa: 'HH theft, prostitution also said to smoke laughing balls

Dr. Doan Huong said of Bui Quynh Hoa: 'HH theft, prostitution also said to smoke laughing balls
Juni Nguyễn10:19:58 09/10/2023
As the three-eared warrior of the misses, Dr. Doan Huong has also recently shared around the issue of Bui Quynh Hoa playing laughter ball, which is causing public opinion to receive great attention from the online community.

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Y Nhi has a high hand, instigating Dao Hien laughing and making herself famous in front of Uncle Ho to help her receive 'brick to build a house'

Y Nhi has a high hand, instigating Dao Hien laughing and making herself famous in front of Uncle Ho to help her receive 'brick to build a house'
Thư Kỳ12:24:49 03/08/2023
If Y Nhi confidently ranked herself ahead of the two great men of the country in terms of popularity and was stoned, recently, 1st runner-up Dao Hien followed in the footsteps of Miss New when placing herself in front of even the leader. The beloved gathering of the Nation - President Ho Chi Minh.

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Du Thien made a "reasonable" morality, taught Y Nhi's life, anti-dame netizen: 'There is no one else to ask to speak up'

Du Thien made a "reasonable" morality, taught Y Nhi's life, anti-dame netizen: 'There is no one else to ask to speak up'
Yaya07:32:57 03/08/2023
Besides designer Do Manh Cuong proposing to strip the crown as well as make a plan for Y Nhi to return the crown, male singer Du Thien is no exception, voicing the morals of teaching juniors.

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auspicious couple ceremonygirlfriendDiep without broomsecond runner-upZhou Qingxuanh'hen niêjisoo.messagejenniewaglisaspreadWang XiaofeiQuang Haifrom hyenn