King Of Fortune Koi Fish

Topic: King Of Fortune Koi Fish

Ha Thanh Xuan voiced "separation", Koi King was e.xposed to a divorce with nothing, what was the reason behind?

Phương Nam09:43:03 18/03/2023
Once one of the couples who received a l.ot of admiration when they overcame many challenges to come together, however, after only 1 year, Ha Thanh Xuan and King Koi are now said to have gone their separate ways. let's go. In the past few days, rumors of the couple "King of Koi"...

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'King of Koi fish' suffers because of 2 wives: Ex-wife "has merits, but husband still helps", new wife avoids, doesn't want to mention

Anh Anh15:02:53 14/03/2023
Although he has experienced 2 wives, it should be acknowledged that during the time he was with his wife, King Koi always loved wholeheartedly. Regularly express affection and sweet attitude for the other party. But just because they're sweet to their wives doesn't mean they'll...

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