Truong Quoc Vinh - Loneliness since childhood and the tragic fate of a talented person

team youtuberApr 16, 2021 at 12:30

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Truong Quoc Vinh (1956 - 2003) is known as the most loved and influential icon in Asia. In 2005, he topped the voting list for the most popular actor category in the 100 years of Chinese cinema history, and he was also the only Asian star in the top 5 of CNN's "Global Music Icon" of the year. 2010, honorably ranked in third place behind Michael Jackson and The Beatles.

Cheung Kwok Wing and his peak in acting

Between 1986 and 1989, he also participated in many movies and achieved great success. Hero of Identity (1986) starring Chow Yun Fat, Cheung Kwok Wing, Dil Long became the leading film for the "three masterpieces" genre of Hong Kong in the 1980s.

In 1987, he participated in the role of the Hero of Identity II and Yen Chi with Mai Diem Phuong, the Sorrowful Thien Nu with Vuong To Hien. These are the films that have earned him two Best Actor nominations at the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Golden Horse Film Festival.

Truong Quoc Vinh - Loneliness since childhood and the tragic fate of a talented person - Picture 1

After his role in The Sorrowful Goddess, the nickname Ca Ca also followed Truong Quoc Vinh until later, fans still lovingly called him by that intimate name.

The success of Hero of Identity and Yen Chi Chi also helped him receive a l.ot of support from Japanese and Korean audiences, even his number of fans in Japan is more than in China.

The mid-1980s to mid-1990s are considered the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, and also the period when Cheung's acting reached its peak.

He is recognized as an outstandingly talented actor who can take on many different types of characters by "acting like not acting", especially with roles in art films.

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From 1977 to 2002, Truong Quoc Vinh appeared in 56 movies, broke the box office record at that time of 700 million Hong Kong dollars, produced 27 singles with a sales of nearly 10 million copies worldwide. bridge. The "Xuan Quang Xa Tiet", "A Phi Chinh Truyen", "Ba Vuong Biet Co"... are still classified by movie lovers as "classic of classics".

Truong Quoc Vinh has always been the "guarantee" name for the box office revenue of the films he participated in. Between 1990 and 1998, 13 of his 39 films made the list of the 10 highest-grossing films at the box office.

Although he retired from the music scene, from 1989 to 1995, Truong Quoc Vinh still regularly composed songs. He composed more than ten songs during this time and won numerous nominations and soundtrack awards at various festivals. Truong Quoc Vinh's music and film career have both reached their peak, with tens of millions of fans around the world.

Painful private life

Despite having a brilliantly successful career, Truong Quoc Vinh's life was filled with loneliness and sadness, from his birth until his d.eath. The pressure of being h.unted by the press and the media, surrounded by suspicions about the homosexual love between him and Duong Hac Duc, caused him a l.ot of trouble.

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He used to have two girlfriends, Mao Shunjun and Ni Thi Boi, who also intended to marry Mao Shunjun when he was young, but then the story between the two was unsuccessful.

In addition, Truong Quoc Vinh did not have any other women in his life, after a while, people admired his 20-year homosexual love with his ancestor Duong Hac Duc, who was with him. Ca Ca shared the sweetness, always silently beside him, even like his shadow. So, what caused Ca Ge to commit s.uicide at 18:41 on April 1, 2003 because of severe depression, from the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong hotel?

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He left only 50 words in a will:


Thank you. Thank you Professor Felice Lieh Mak. This year has been so difficult, I can't take it anymore. Thank you Road. Thank you loved ones. Thank you, Miss Fat. I haven't done anything bad in my life, how did it become like this?


Professor Felice Lieh Mak is mentioned as a psychiatrist who has been with Ca Ca during the years of illness. Once, he wrote a 4-page letter to Truong Luc Binh - Truong Quoc Vinh's sister to explain his illness. There are two types of depression, he writes. One type is caused by the patient suffering from bad things in life that lead to a negative and melancholy spirit. But there is another form of depression that is simply due to normal physiological causes because the chemical substances in the brain are not balanced, the brain does not secrete enough substances to inhibit depression, causing psychological disorders. uncontrollable and the patient is forced to take medicine to treat.

Unfortunately, Ca Ca's disease is of this latter type. Worse, he suffered not only psychological damage but also other complications of depression such as migraines, insomnia, pain in the whole body, extreme suffering. That's probably why Ge Ge told his manager in the last phone call before committing s.uicide: "You can sleep well today". For a year straight, he couldn't sleep and kept hearing screams in his ears: "Jump! Jump!"

Truong Quoc Vinh began to get sick in March 2002 and had the first s.uicide attempt in November 2003 but was promptly stopped by his lover Duong Hac Duc. In April 2002, during a visit to a close friend's wedding party, Ca Ca met Truong Man Ngoc for a long time, who played the role of his lover in the movies "A Phi Chinh Truyen", "Dong Dong". Evil West Poison".

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Truong Man Ngoc later recounted that they had talked together at a bar, but Leslie suddenly told her a meaningful sentence, which was far from her confident, cheerful, and perfect person: "I'm looking forward to working with you again, but maybe I'm not handsome enough to act as your lover anymore." That's when Leslie's illness began to become more apparent.

Since mid-2002, the media has been speculating about Leslie's illness, although he has never admitted it. Worse, they constantly attacked his private life, always waiting at the door, making it difficult to go out to see Leslie's doctor. Usually, patients with depression during treatment have to rest, stop all work activities, but with a perfectionist nature like Leslie, it is unbearable. Therefore, on the one hand, he still refuses to fight illness on the one hand, and on the other hand, still works hard, like how he, despite being tormented by stomach pain, still grits his teeth and endures to sing with his soulmate Mai Diem Phuong. in her live "Ci Mong Illustrated" in April 2002. At the end of that performance, he quickly entered the chicken wing with a severe pain that could not breathe and then quickly left, leaving Mai Diem Phuong with a thank you. Thank you also did not have the opportunity to say, more than a few words of comfort for the mental illness of Ge Ge at that time.

In the second half of 2002, Leslie worked even harder when she started directing a movie. Right at the time of his most serious illness, he had to diligently run back and forth between Beijing and Hong Kong to make his own movie: "Stealing the heart" with the male lead played by Truong Quoc Vinh, co-starring with Truong Quoc Vinh. Ninh Tinh, Ho Quan...But for some reason, at the end of 2002, this work could not be filmed and delaying the film for many years was probably a s.hock, a huge blow to Leslie's psychology.

Ca Ca's whole life of singing and cinema has been in pursuit of perfection, how can he endure failure, even being sick, deteriorating, and tired due to the complications of depression d.rugs? He chose Lie day to end the chain of physical and mental pain, even leaving was just like a malicious joke of God.

Truong Quoc Vinh's life was like a dreamland with a perfect and illustrious career, but it was also tragic with the d.eath of a terrible mental illness. In fact, it is not surprising that such a thoughtful, sensitive person like him has neurological complications. In his whole life, in addition to finding joy in artistic dedication and with his partner Duong Hac Duc, Leslie also experienced many sad things, and it was rooted in his restless childhood.

Ca Ca was born in a family of 10 children and he is the youngest. His father is a famous tailor, and his mother got married at a very young age and had children at once. They are so busy that they have absolutely no time for their children. Ca Ca's whole childhood was attached to a nanny named Luc Ty, but never lived normally with his parents like many other children. The story of being talked to, played with, and taken to the street for a walk seemed to be enjoyed by everyone, but Leslie had absolutely no such memories of her father.

Not only lack of affection, Ge Ge even had to go through terrible things. It was because he constantly saw his father's romance when he entered the hotel to take care of beauties and prostitutes that later he completely did not believe in marriage. Leslie's father was so playful that he openly married a concubine and brought him to live with the family. The fact that both stepmothers and biological mothers live together of course create a l.ot of tragedy for children because of the j.ealousy of the women. The climax was once, Truong Quoc Vinh was also flushed by his stepmother with urine. So for him, childhood is something to be forgotten, not clearly remembered and not attached at all.

Has a mixed love-hate relationship with his mother, but in reality, Leslie has always been a dutiful son. In the 1997 New Year's Eve concert that resounded in Hong Kong when marking his return to the musical path, he publicized his love for his mother in front of the entire audience with the song "Moonlight speaks for my heart". with the introduction: "I've had a l.ot of concerts in my life and everywhere my mom stands here sharing the joy with me."

Perhaps because of the lack of love in her childhood, Leslie kept pursuing her mother's deep desire for motherhood, like the character Xuc Tu in the movie, all his life searching for his abandoned mother. Perhaps the loneliness of childhood has penetrated deeply into Truong Quoc Vinh's person, going into his songs and movies to create tragic roles for life.

An artist with a beautiful personality

During his career years, Truong Quoc Vinh has always lived a very simple life, serious in his work and never asked for anything. He is especially punctual, when he arrives on set, he does not need any assistants to accompany him.

Once, he was invited to act in a movie and was ready to receive a symbolic salary of one HKD when he knew that the Luu Tinh language crew had many difficulties. Despite receiving a low salary, Truong Quoc Vinh still works very hard to film and also follows the film crew everywhere to promote.

At the time of Truong Quoc Vinh's d.eath, Hong Kong was suffering from the SARS epidemic, but there were still more than 50,000 people from many parts of the world who did not mind the danger to come to see him off. And until now, after more than 16 years, every April 1, the sea of flowers is still flooded in the lobby of the Mandarin Oriental hotel, the Avenue of Stars and there are lines of people lining up from early morning to visit his ashes. are resting. Truong Quoc Vinh's great influence is not only in being the only Asian artist ranked by CNN in the top 5 most influential artists of all time, but also in his love and nostalgia. The audience for him over the years has only increased, not decreased.

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Truong Quoc Vinh - Loneliness since childhood and the tragic fate of a talented person - Photo 7

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