Truong Hang

Topic: Truong Hang

Trinh Sang is trying to change her name to change her last name to return to the entertainment world?

youtuber19:32:02 13/06/2021
Recently, rumors appeared online that Trinh Sang's parents would change their daughter's name to change her fate. The dispute and custody case between Truong Hang - Trinh Sang has officially closed with the final decision. However, no matter what is right or wrong, each person himself has to pay a huge price

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Truong Hang begged Trinh Sang fans to leave a way for two children to live despite w.inning the lawsuit

team youtube23:14:09 22/05/2021
Recently, on May 21, Truong Hang posted a long article with the subject line: Letter to fans of Truong Hang Trinh Sang, expressed the main ideas as follows: Facing insults and threats to children on the internet has hurt me deeply! I don't know why some people are so cold-blooded and cruel that right

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Trinh Sang revealed the last picture of Truong Hang, both smoking c.igarettes and c.ursing like a good song?

team youtube19:00:17 18/05/2021
The love story of Trinh Sang and Truong Hang is considered the most popular market in Chinese showbiz ever. While Trinh Sang was accused of abandoning children, evading taxes, and having bad morals, Truong Hang was also e.xposed as cheating and taking advantage of his girlfriend. Used to be a very h.ot couple in the Chinese entertainment industry, participating in...

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Trinh Sang officially lost the lawsuit, losing custody of 2 children to Truong Hang

team youtuber09:58:22 13/05/2021
On Weibo, this morning, Truong Hang announced that he had completely won the case in the custody case. Now, Truong Hang will independently raise two young children, Luca and Luna, while Trinh Sang will have little time to raise these two children. On his side, Truong Hang said, he believes Trinh Sang will try

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Trinh Sang is rumored to be in court, his parents are divorced, and the family property is also separated?

team youtube16:30:34 12/05/2021
During the past time, Trinh Sang had to go to the US to stand trial in a c.hild custody dispute after the scandal of hiring a surrogate broke out. It seems that the "dumbbell star" has not yet let go of her when recently, the actress's family is rumored to be experiencing...

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Zheng Shuang, Goo Hye Sun, Dong Jie, and Song Hye Kyo - 4 Asian American Women Who Turned Extremely Harsh After Breaking Up

Linh NHi21:58:51 09/05/2021
Asian showbiz has no shortage of beautiful couples, but not every couple can reach the end of the road together. Many cult couples who love each other very much bite each other painfully, choose to break up in a loud way, consuming a l.ot of press ink.

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Trinh Sang is called by fandom to donate to help idols pay tax fines

team youtuber15:30:22 06/05/2021
This fandom is so blind that there are many fans calling for the fandom to join hands to raise m.oney to help Trinh Sang overcome the biggest storm in his life. They even called on each Chinese citizen to help Trinh Sang pay tax fines so that she wouldn't have to go to jail...

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Trinh Sang spent seven years in prison for tax evasion? Causing the whole entertainment world to "stagger" to be investigated

team youtuber15:02:25 29/04/2021
Recently, the Chinese online community has been stirred up by the news that "former artist" Trinh Sang is suspected of signing a "yin and yang contract", dividing up an extremely high income to evade taxes. This story was e.xposed thanks to all the "credit" of Truong Hang when he...

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Trinh Sang was accused by Truong Hang of having a bad personality, evading taxes, leaving his pet dog because he wasted m.oney

team youtube11:30:01 27/04/2021
Scandal Trinh Sang - Truong Hang f.ighting, gaining custody of children has not cooled down on social networks. Recently, Truong Hang suddenly "released" all the scandals of his girlfriend during the time the couple was still in love. Notably, Trinh Sang's parents were also...

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Trinh Sang was not m.urdered, the result of the custody case with Truong Hang?

team youtuber14:51:49 26/04/2021
In the old document, the Quang Dien side spoke out harshly criticizing Trinh Sang's actions and ethics, but did not say it at all. that he will assassinate her. During the past time, showbiz is still waiting for results from the custody battle of Trinh Sang and Truong Hang. There have been too many twists and turns, people are confused

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Trinh Sang is rumored to be about to return to showbiz, surpassing Pham Bang Bang because "backing" is too terrible

team youtube15:30:04 22/04/2021
This morning (April 22), the popular showbiz blogger of Trung Ly Tam Thuan made the social network stir with the status line "Trinh Sang is about to return to the entertainment industry". This post immediately caused a storm and received hundreds of thousands of bewildering...

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Trinh Sang was rumored to have committed s.uicide, revealing Truong Hang's recording destroyed the life of the actress

team youtuber11:53:59 19/04/2021
Recently, the QQ site had a shocking article with a headline that shocked netizens: "The media spread rumors about Trinh Sang's s.uicide, the recording series and Truong Hang's testimony destroyed her life". The bewildering detail mentioned in the article is that many netizens'...

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Trinh Sang again made fans "fall back" when the DNA certificate was a hepatitis B test paper?

team youtuber10:52:54 18/04/2021
The picture is said to be a piece of paper with DNA test results taken from a clip, who is curious when Clicking on this clip will see a piece of paper with the words HBV DNA written on it. However, in fact, this HBV DNA paper is a hepatitis B test paper, not a b.lood relationship test. All day...

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Trinh Sang and two children who are not related by b.lood, are the children of Truong Hang and his best friend?

team youtuber22:01:40 17/04/2021
The final results that these two children are not her children but the children of Truong Hang's friend. Page 163 on the morning of April 17 has an article that shocked netizens about the plot twist of the controversy between Trinh Sang and Truong Hang. According to the information posted on this page, Trinh Sang conducted DNA testing procedures...

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Singer Truc Nhan was upset when the captain of the airline yelled at him

team youtuber19:06:01 12/04/2021
Recently, Truc Nhan had an interesting post on his personal page. Accordingly, the male singer angrily shared the story of being yelled at at the airport. Specifically, while standing at the ticket gate at the security gate, Truc Nhan was yelled at by an airline captain and asked to move aside for VIP passengers to move. Originally Posted

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Legendary good friend Ma Thien Vu: Helping Trinh Sang reconcile with Truong Hang

team youtuber15:41:18 09/04/2021
Perhaps making a good friend like Ma Thien Vu was one of the best things Trinh Sang ever did. According to the latest developments in the dispute between Trinh Sang and Truong Hang, an unexpected character mentioned in the trial is actor Ma Thien Vu - Trinh Sang's close friend. According to various sources

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Truong Hang wants to kill Trinh Sang and the "hidden corner" in the "yin and yang contract"

team youtuber22:30:00 01/04/2021
On Weibo, there are currently rumors about Truong Hang deliberately using tricks to force d.eath, cornering Trinh Sang into the dead end. In the latest developments, Trinh Sang won the lawsuit against Truong Hang in the dispute over the amount of 20 million yuan (72 billion dong) in both trials. Determined not to submit, Truong Hang decided to appeal the...

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Trinh Sang admitted to hiring a surrogate and a series of unbelievable details

team youtuber11:31:23 23/03/2021
Trinh Sang admitted that he chose to hire a surrogate because his heart was not healthy On the evening of March 22, at 22:30, a series of leading Chinese newspapers reported that the custody dispute trial of Truong Hang and Trinh Sang had just been held in Denver city (USA)...

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Trinh Sang sued Weibo after the surrogacy scandal and was locked away

team youtuber13:00:00 17/03/2021
Recently, it was reported that "former star" Trinh Sang has filed a lawsuit against Weibo - China's major social networking site. It is known that the cause of this lawsuit is an online violation liability dispute. According to Trinh Sang's report, all topics related to the...

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Trinh Sang was suddenly appointed as a legal ambassador - The online community was heavily criticized

team youtuber19:00:06 04/02/2021
On the afternoon of February 4, two weibo accounts, the Qinan Court and the Chongqing High Court, posted articles informing Trinh Sang newspaper becomes a youth public good ambassador, will join everyone to learn about the law on environmental protection and start a green life. Not only that, the content of the article also has the following expression: Bao

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The fact that Trinh Sang committed s.uicide after the scandal of hiring a surrogate

team youtuber10:50:04 01/02/2021
A Chinese website is currently shocking with a clip-sharing article titled: "Trinh Sang jumps from a building, compensates 800 million yuan (equivalent to nearly 2900 billion dong)", "Trinh Sang commits suicide! public recordings with additional text subtitles". Up to now, these...

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Trinh Sang, the "super" goddess of mining, made a series of old loves choke on tears | Besides Truong Hang, who else?

Team YouTube15:09:23 28/01/2021
Trinh Sang's drama lasted, the more unexpected details of the incident made netizens suffocate. From a beauty with pure beauty, Trinh Sang completely collapsed. Not only netizens, media, and news agencies all condemn the actress as a person who has lost her humanity, no longer has humanity while

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Trinh Sang wrote a contract with too strict requirements for Truong Hang to comply with

team youtuber14:58:20 27/01/2021
From January 18 until now, the scandal about Trinh Sang and Truong Hang's surrogacy is still a noisy and noisy affair. The biggest in the Chinese entertainment industry. Recently, Truong Hang's father revealed a handwritten contract by Trinh Sang himself and asked her ex-boyfriend to follow before she lends him m.oney, and related issues

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Trinh Sang | Who is behind her "crazy" actions?

team youtuber12:33:16 26/01/2021
Trinh Shuang from an actress who is always targeted for innocent, sweet and gentle roles, but within four days, the details. vibrations that have never appeared in the history of Chinese showbiz are heavily exploited by the media. Less than 20 days of the new year, a shocking secret of Chinese showbiz

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I don't know how to seal the brakesbrakeHung DiduDiep had an affairsoanhSoanh - Diepalways nomadic# babymonsterhusband midumidu weddinglisaHong Loandance spiritVu Luanmidu