Lobe Nawat

Topic: Lobe Nawat

Thuy Tien's attitude to Mr. Nawat, involved in a scandal because of the Wandering Potato: The painting came from Huong Giang?

Chi Chu15:19:33 24/03/2023
Ever since she was entangled in the noise with Huong Giang, Thuy Tien has been constantly in trouble and criticized. Recently, controversially because of her beautiful "butter" attitude with the president of MGI, Thuy Tien continued to apologize to Khoai Lang Thang for an action...

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The reigning Miss Grand "surpassed" Thuy Tien thanks to the "handshake" Mr. Nawat, MU also pity to lose?

pipi15:57:01 06/03/2023
Once compared to Thuy Tien, but the current MGI has increasingly surpassed with great influence. At the present time, Miss Grand also unexpectedly continuously defeated Miss Universe, making many people doubtful. Recently, the reigning Miss International Peace - Isabella Menin...

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Thuy Tien makes Mrs. Teresa regret leaving MGI, Engfa "has fun" like a dancing g.irl, putting m.oney i.n her shirt?

N.P11:28:01 28/12/2022
Miss Grand International Vice President - Mrs. Teresa probably can't help but regret that Thuy Tien continuously does many meaningful things in the community while Tan Hoa - the current runner-up is only controversial and dancing on the internet. stage. 2 months after...

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Thuy Tien was "ignored" on Thai land, sneaking to Korea to act in historical movies with Kim Hye Soo?

N.P10:17:18 08/12/2022
Miss International Peace 2021 recently had moments of a lifetime with fans. Not only being ignored in Thai land, the queen also made fans unable to hold back their laughter when they went to Korea to film historical films. Received an invitation from the Vietnamese Embassy in...

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