Quang Hung Cover

Topic: Quang Hung Cover

Quang Hung "stealed" Erik's hit, surpassing the owner, and was scrutinized for one thing.

Quang Hung "stealed" Erik's hit, surpassing the owner, and was scrutinized for one thing.
Hoa Chỉ16:06:29 18/02/2025
Quang Hung recently covered Erik's song "Even If It's the End of the World" and made the fan community go crazy. After singing, listeners completely forgot the original version, but fans still noticed a strange expression of the CEO.

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"say hi" brotherQuang Hai's wifeZhou QingxuanQuang Hung masterdgene zblackpinkprecious peaceTran filial pietyrosemillion dongKim Sae roncouncilFlower LanguageCinderellagirl