Puka Plays The Masses

Topic: Puka Plays The Masses

Puka revealed that he had difficulties when he first started his career and was grateful to Kha Ly for an action that changed his entire career

Puka revealed that he had difficulties when he first started his career and was grateful to Kha Ly for an action that changed his entire career
Uyển Đình14:34:34 10/12/2023
After many years of working in the profession, Puka is now an actor loved by many audiences. However, when she first started her career, she also encountered many difficulties. But she was fortunate to receive guidance from many seniors, including Kha Ly.

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Vuong Hec Di was accused of having a star disease, insulting public actors

Vuong Hec Di was accused of having a star disease, insulting public actors
Hà Hà14:44:13 17/08/2021
Recently, the Sohu site had an article that caused a stir when it was reported that actor Vuong Hec De was accused of having a star disease, insulting others, unprofessional behavior plus poor acting, making the actors the masses are miserable and extremely hard-working...

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