Chu Ngoc Quang Vinh - Lan Thy test-tube hotgirl is paired by netizens

Đình Như15:55:08 06/09/2024
In the past few days, Chu Ngoc Quang Vinh is the most searched male student on social networks. The contestant of Road to Olympia once attracted attention because he won a laurel wreath, which has a lot of potential for development in the future.The secretive "test tube hot girl" after 8 years of Olympia is still of interest to netizens

Phi Đức17:11:49 13/01/2024
Pham Tuong Lan Thy (born 1998, Ho Chi Minh City) is a name that is no longer unfamiliar to many people. She is known as test tube hotgirl or Olympia hotgirl when she participated in the Olympia program in 2016.Kaity Nguyen was shy, covering her eyes when she saw her and Thuan Nguyen's warm 'sensitive' scene

Ning Jing15:03:58 01/11/2023
Returning to the big screen track after The Girl from the Past with The Last Wife, Kaity Nguyen had a bold makeover with a series of daring hot scenes with senior Thuan Nguyen that the actress did not dare to watch again.
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