Puka just got pregnant, mother-in-law revealed her attitude towards her daughter-in-law, biological child was ignored

Thanh Phúc11:00:54 24/11/2024
Recently, Puka attended a fan meeting event with Gin Tuan Kiet in Ho Chi Minh City. The actress's mother-in-law also attended, she always paid attention to take care of her daughter-in-law.Puka - Gin Tuan Kiet revealed the secret of love for 4 years, extreme beach engagement

Gia Nhi14:39:48 08/03/2024
The Puka - Gin Tuan Kiet couple caused a stir when the secret of their love for 4 years was exposed by Bao Lam Legion. And yet, the promise related to the sea and the wedding ceremony of the two, was also made public for the first time.Gin Tuan Kiet, who just became a son-in-law in the West, encountered a 'distress'. Puka gloated as he saw his 'unconscious' husband.

Đức Trí10:11:28 20/11/2023
Puka - Gin Tuan Kiet's wedding in Dong Thap had just ended when the new bridegroom from the West met with disaster. The male singer admitted that he had to lose consciousness in front of his wife's family. Netizens had the opportunity to laugh loudly at this move.Puka - Gin Tuan Kiet's wedding was distorted on Chinese social networks, Khanh Van 'sat without being shot'

Thanh Phúc15:10:34 08/11/2023
The attraction of Puka - Gin Tuan Kiet's wedding not only shocked Vietnamese showbiz, but recently also spread to Chinese social networks. However, their happy day turned into another story, everyone was both laughing and crying.Gin Tuan Kiet - Puka wrote a handwritten letter to the audience, choking up before the wedding about their 4-year love story

Phúc Sen13:52:41 31/10/2023
The couple Gin Tuan Kiet and Puka just had a post that touched their fans. Before the wedding, they personally wrote a letter to the fans who have been pushing the GinPu boat for the past 4 years. Revealing for the first time the reason for not making their feelings public even though they were enthusiastically attached.Gin Tuan Kiet revealed messages to the stars before the proposal, Minh Tu "said" something that made everyone "froze"

Gia Linh10:35:24 22/09/2023
To have a successful proposal, Gin Tuan Kiet asked for the help of close friends on the day of the proposal. Recently, a message from his close friends was posted by the male singer, attracting attention.For the first time, Puka posted the entire moment when Gin Tuan Kiet proposed, a series of Vietnamese stars attacked and sobbed

Phúc Sen10:15:17 20/09/2023
The couple Puka - Gin Tuan Kiet, after the shock of publicizing their relationship, recently suddenly posted a full proposal video, making people restless.Puka reveals 'spirituality' related to pregnancy amid suspicion of having her first child

Bảo Tiên16:14:18 12/09/2023
Publicly in love not long ago, Puka was suspected to be pregnant with her first child. Recently, the actress's sharing in the midst of this scandal is attracting the attention of the online community.
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