Domicile Shock Korea

Topic: Domicile Shock Korea

Duong Domic admits he is "foolish", revealing his true nature, how is he after the shock from Korea?

Duong Domic admits he is "foolish", revealing his true nature, how is he after the shock from Korea?
Phúc Sen21:36:56 17/02/2025
Duong Domic is a male artist who received a lot of love from the public after the show Anh trai say hi. Not only through his music products, but his personality is also of interest.

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"say hi" brotherQuang Hai's wifeZhou QingxuanQuang Hung masterdgene zblackpinkprecious peaceTran filial pietyrosemillion dongKim Sae roncouncilFlower LanguageCinderellagirl