
Topic: Kingdom

Luu Ngoc Nuong - The most stingy and greedy queen in China, at the end of her life, she died with two empty hands

Hoàng Phúc17:25:18 06/06/2022
With a poor background, Luu Ngoc Nuong became a powerful Chinese queen but still kept her greedy and money-loving nature. This queen tried to force her courtiers to pay tribute to her, "suck b.lood" from the people without any tricks. The Queen "beautiful - ugly" Luu Ngoc Nuong...

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To Ma Lat - Palace maidens never bathed, but when they died, they were mourned by Emperor Kangxi

Hoàng Phúc15:51:25 28/04/2022
Despite having a fairly mediocre background, To Ma Lat was the most special palace lady of the Manchu Dynasty when she was respected by Emperor Kangxi as her biological mother. To Ma Lat was born into a poor family in the great grassland of Khor Tham. Her real name is To Mat Nhi...

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"Dien Hi Cong Luong" and "Her Cung Nhu Y Truyen" are banned from showing in China

team youtuber16:16:07 02/10/2020
Chinese censors are usually not too aggressive with entertainment activities. However, that is when it does not threaten social norms morally and ideologically. Dien Hi's strategy is one of the typical examples, said Chu Anh, a professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. Chan Hoan Story is a series

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The dark fate of the palace maids in the forbidden palace

team youtuber10:00:06 26/09/2020
The inadvertent c.ruelty as well as countless cumbersome rituals have made the palace maidens one of the people with the most tragic fate in the palace It can be said , for the life of a palace woman, just one step into the Forbidden City, most of them have a tragic end, either lonely to old age, or struggling to...

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Pure Body - The painful hell-like process of Chinese eunuchs

team youtuber13:42:10 25/09/2020
Eunuchs - also known as eunuchs, public servants, self-made men... are men who are specifically recruited to serve the palace. family, serving kings and concubines in feudal Chinese society. But of course, to work in the forbidden palace is not a simple matter, but they are forced to purify themselves - the process of removing the g.enitals

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How did the Emperors and Queens of the Nguyen Court in the past celebrate Tet

team youtuber12:12:42 14/09/2020
The Nguyen Dynasty - the last feudal system in Vietnam - has ended for more than half a century. However, many of the imprints created by this dynasty still exist, including the customs and rituals of the king during Tet. Tet in the palace of the king and lord is always curious to many people. Except for those who used...

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