
Topic: Share

'The Rock' Johnson - The "Fast and Furious" star shares the secret of being a "baby dad"

'The Rock' Johnson - The "Fast and Furious" star shares the secret of being a "baby dad"
team youtube19:00:10 07/04/2021
In addition to being the most famous actor in Hollywood, The Rock is also known as a caring father, spend a lot of time taking care of the children. Because it's part of the parenting style he pursues. Ranked as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time, Dwayne Johnson - also known for

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COVID-19 vaccine - Rich countries hoard, poor countries at risk

COVID-19 vaccine - Rich countries hoard, poor countries at risk
team youtube17:44:28 26/02/2021
COVAX is a program to ensure vaccines are shared fairly among countries around the world. Although underway, this plan still has some problems because by buying more vaccines for themselves, rich countries are harming COVAX and prolonging the pandemic. Some of the wealthier countries have been pointed out

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