Baifern's visual glowed after the breakup, netizens breathed a sigh of relief

Bảo YếnJul 11, 2024 at 16:36

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The new image of Baifern Pimchanok, when present at the opening ceremony of the new drama Thong Prakaisaed, has attracted great attention from audiences throughout Asia because this is the first time, Baifern has officially appeared after Nine Naphat farewell scanda.l

Baiferns visual glowed after the breakup, netizens breathed a sigh of relief - Photo 1

Specifically, on July 4, Nine Naphat appeared publicly in front of the media to officially announce that he and Baifern had changed from lovers to friends. He also tried to protect his mother from rumors that it was his mother who influenced the young couple to break up. Since then, Baifern has never officially spoken about her personal life, all information has come through her friends. That's why the appearance of the beautiful actress at the opening ceremony of the movie Thong Prakaisaed became a ho.t topic when the Thai media simultaneously reported that the actress would make her first statements about love. feel at this event.

Baiferns visual glowed after the breakup, netizens breathed a sigh of relief - Photo 2

Appearing at the new movie's opening event, Baifern chose a relatively discreet lace dress, light makeup but still stood out with her new hair color. Many fans "breathed a sigh of relief" when they saw the actress appear in a very good mental state, still beautiful and radiant, and even had many lovely expressions after the tragic breakup. what a pity. This also shows the beauty's professional working attitude, not letting her personal life overwhelm her work.

Some viewers left positive comments when seeing Baifern Pimchanok's return: "Fern is so beautiful, she is truly the most beautiful woman when she doesn't belong to anyone", "Baifern is still extremely beautiful, looking at her smile makes me happy." I feel so sorry", "I've never stopped being beautiful, every time I see this beauty it makes me crazy", "Seeing you so beautiful and radiant makes me so happy. Always be this beautiful, Fern", "Beautiful forever , deserves a better man."

Baiferns visual glowed after the breakup, netizens breathed a sigh of relief - Photo 3

Attending a new film promotion event, Baifern admitted that he broke up with Nine. She said the two went back to being friends like before, because they were both unable to balance love and work. However, they always have good hopes for each other. The actor thanked the overwhelming support from friends in the entertainment industry and fans.

Baifern said with an emotional trembling voice, "I admit I'm very sad. Even though it's painfu.l, that's the best way. I watched Mr. Nine's meeting with reporters and we encouraged each other a lot afterward." The actress said that no matter what the future holds, she will always smile. She hopes the audience will give her time and encouragement to take care of themselves because "it matters."

Baiferns visual glowed after the breakup, netizens breathed a sigh of relief - Photo 4

The Flying Leaf beauty added, "We informed both families, and they all understood and respected that decision. My parents were a bit nervous at first about this news because they are not family members. in the entertainment industry. However, in the en.d they understood and supported us like before.

In November 2022, Nine Naphat and Baifern Pimchanok confirmed their relationship. Responding to the media, Nine said he had a crush on his playmate for several years and confessed to her after a trip to Milan.

Baiferns visual glowed after the breakup, netizens breathed a sigh of relief - Photo 5

Meanwhile, in an interview with the press at the Motor Expo 2022 event in early December, Baifern Pimchanok confirmed that the two are in the process of getting to know each other. She said, "We opened up and shared many things with each other. I'm grateful to him for always valuing me like that. The relationship started when he confessed his feelings for me. I was very shocked because it had been so long since then. Nowadays, Nine always treats me well. When he confesses his love, I don't know what to say, I just laugh."

The actress hopes their relationship can follow its natural course. She commented that Nine is a good and lovely person, not only to herself but also to everyone.

Baiferns visual glowed after the breakup, netizens breathed a sigh of relief - Photo 6

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