F0 .'S 12 Dogs

Topic: F0 .'S 12 Dogs

Bien Hoa brought 12 dogs of F0 to take care of, making netizens' hearts warm

Bien Hoa brought 12 dogs of F0 to take care of, making netizens' hearts warm
Hậu Hậu08:14:51 13/10/2021
Recently, a story has been widely spread on social networking forums, making people's hearts warm. Accordingly, one F0 patient was isolated and was taken care of by the government for 12 dogs. The person who posted the article said: "My sister F0 is quarantined, raising 12 dogs...

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the government took 12 dogs of f0Viet Phuong Thoa lost threejack 97nawatZhou QingxuanJack (J97)singer jackbaby solQuynh Luongjackspring mountainGod's graceHong Loandance spiritrose