Archive posts from 2020-06-22 to 2020-06-28

  1. Spot the names of the most handsome players in Vietnam
  2. Au Duong Chan Hoa: From an actor specializing in supporting roles to "Photo Emperor" TVB
  3. The journey from a chubby g.irl to "British Painter" is admired by the whole world by Adele
  4. The dreamlike "fairy dong - female pearl" couple of Vietnamese showbiz
  5. WALL Street - the world's gold store
  6. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao - The first 21-year-old female billionaire in Vietnam
  7. How was YouTube born?
  8. Famous people who have been hacked on FB by hackers, Vietnam's "Golden Ball" is no exception
  9. Truong Giang- From a country student who was expelled from school to a shining star thanks to the role of Muoi Kho
  10. Bruce Lee - a legendary life and a melancholy departure
  11. Hari Won – From a difficult childhood to a fulfilling life in Tran Thanh
  12. The little-known secret of Leonardo da Vinci's omnipotent genius
  13. Chau Tan - From the acting genius without school to the million-dollar "Ke Hau"
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